Space industry conference 2024
Past event
Open door + Registration
Conference opening
Cassini Matchmaking (Public)
Networking coffee
Cassini Matchmaking (Private)
Networking / Matchmaking
1 hour
Balazs Slezak - Wozify
Géraldine Caudron - Airbus
Johannes Willbold - Ruhr University
Hybrid panel Q&A session
Networking coffee
Leszek Orzechowski - Space Is More
Tomas Hamman - Space Villages
Neil Monteiro - Space Forge
Hybrid panel Q&A session
Institutional help
Daniel Sagath - Sario
Dinka Dinkova - DG DEFIS
Stefan Schneider - EUSPA
Hybrid panel Q&A session
Including Erika Hlavata from CVTI
Networking coffee
…and Beyond
Raphael Roettgen - Prometheus Life
Guillermo Söhnlein - Humans2Venus
Networking coffee
Q&A session merged with keynote
Keynote Speaker
Kelly Wienersmith - A City On Mars
Q&A session
inc. and beyond speakers
Closing and photoshoot
Meet the Speakers
No clue about space industry? Or already there and looking for a new connections?
Our speakers would cover various topics in the language understandable by everyone. For more technical discussions you can poke them during the breat.
Keynote speaker
Kelly Weinersmith
Author - A City on Mars | ACOM
Dr. Kelly Weinersmith received her PhD in Ecology at the University of California Davis, and is an adjunct faculty member in the BioSciences Department at Rice University. Kelly studies parasites that manipulate the behavior of their hosts, and her research has been featured in The Atlantic, National Geographic, BBC World, Science, and Nature.
When she isn’t studying Nature’s creepiest wonders, Kelly is writing books with her husband, Zach Weinersmith (creator of Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal Comics). Their books, "Soonish: Ten Emerging Technologies That’ll Improve and/or Ruin Everything" and "A City on Mars: Can We Settle Space, Should We Settle Space, and Have We Really Thought This Through?" are New York Times Bestsellers.
Written by Kelly and Zach Weinersmith, "A City on Mars" investigates perhaps the biggest questions humanity will ever ask itself—whether and how to become multiplanetary.
"A City on Mars" is a New York Times Bestseller, and was named a best book of 2023 by Scientific American, The Times, and the Los Angeles Time
entrepreneur, investor - Humans2Venus | H2V
Guillermo Sohnlein
Guillermo Sohnlein is an entrepreneur, investor, explorer, and philanthropist with experience in space, oceans, technology, and sustainability.
He is co-founder / CEO of Humans2Venus, a space venture studio with a long-term vision of establishing a permanent presence of 1,000 people in the Venusian atmosphere by 2050.
A former officer in the US Marine Corps, he earned his AB in Economics from UC Berkeley and his JD from the UC College of Law, San Francisco.
He currently lives in Barcelona, Spain.
Humans2Venus is a visionary space venture studio with a long-term vision of establishing a permanent presence of 1,000 people in the Venusian atmosphere by 2050.
Head of Business Development - Space Villages | SV
Tomas Hamann
Tomas Hamann is an experienced senior project manager. Previously he honed his skills at OHB and ArianeGroup.
Space Villages is developing a unique on-orbit servicing & repair spacecraft. Our services range from simulating technical problems on Earth to final mission execution in orbit. The in-house developed robotic payloads and mission concept represent the perfect solution for:
In-orbit repair
Inspection and Diagnostics
Bring Into Use Services
And more...
We are transforming on-orbit servicing by offering multiple services through a single spacecraft. Our philosophy towards simplification allows us to offer a competitive alternative, providing cost-effective solutions quickly.
Johannes Willbold
satellite and space system security researcher | RUB
Johannes Willbold is a satellite and space system security researcher and doctoral student at the Ruhr University Bochum.
He is chair and co-founder of the SpaceSec workshop, the first academic workshop on the security of space and satellite systems.
Johannes also supports the efforts to standardize secure-by-design systems for space as subcommittee chair of the integration layer in the IEEE SA Space System Cybersecurity Working Group.
In 2023, Johannes published his award-winning paper "Space Odyssey: An Experimental Software Security Analysis of Satellites" and has since worked on identifying real-world systematic security issues of space assets.
He also presented his research at numerous security conferences, including the Black Hat US 2023.
Raphael Roettgen
space investor - Prometheus Life Technologies | PLT
Raphael Roettgen is a space investor (E2MC Ventures), educator and businessman. He is the co-founder and CEO of PLT.
He lectures on space entrepreneurship and finance at several universities including the International Space University (ISU) and the Swiss Institute of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL), hosts the popular Space Business Podcast, and is the author of an introductory book on the space economy, currently available in German (“Hoch Hinaus”) and Portuguese (“Para Cima”), and forthcoming in English.
Prometheus Life Technologies is a space biotech company.
It is developing a disruptive space-proven technology to produce high-quality human tissue organoids in Low Earth Orbit with the vision of improving and saving lives.
Neil Monteiro
Microgravity Research Manager | SF
Neil Monteiro is Microgravity Research Manager at Space Forge, responsible for the microgravity-as-a-service offering of the ForgeStar platform.
Prior to Space Forge, Neil worked as a full-time science presenter, communicating the value of science and space to the publi.
Space Forge are developing the world's first returnable and re-launchable satellite platform to use the space environment to manufacture materials impossible to create on Earth.
Géraldine Caudron
Sales manager | Airbus
Géraldine is Sales manager for Airbus Intelligence Business Line. She’s responsible for Northern and Easthern Europe. Prior to this role, Géraldine was in charge of developing the Business Web Portal of Airbus Intelligence focusing on customer experience enchantment. She is always happy to share her knowledge about how to meet the customer expectations.
She is based in Toulouse in the Airbus Town, but ready to travel to meet the partners and the customers.
Airbus' Defence and Space division, which includes the Intelligence business, contributes to the defence and security of nations through its strong capabilities in military aircraft, intelligence and cybersecurity.
Airbus' space technologies have a growing impact on people's daily life: from deep-space exploration and scientific missions to today's most reliable secure telecommunications and Earth observation satellites.
Balázs Slezák
CEO & Founder of Wozify Engineering Group | W
Balázs Slezák is an entrepreneur, product development expert and space mentor. He is the founder and CEO of Wozify Engineering Group.
As a space mentor, he helps space companies build better products and be better at business. He works alongside several international space incubators and accelerators like ESA BIC, EUSPA's CASSINI Program, Techstars Space Accelerator in collaboration with NASA JPL, the UK Space Agency Accelerator.
Before becoming hyper-focused on space, he co-founded, built and sold a 3D printing startup; and mentored more than 150 (non-space) startups.
He has a Bachelor's in Computer Engineering and a Master's in Business Information Technology.
Originally from Hungary, he currently lives in London.
Wozify is a software development company established in 2012. Wozify's space division focuses on web development for space industry applications; custom downstream software development; and applied data science and Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation.
The team prides itself on its product development methodology capable of delivering digital products that the market actually wants.
Wozify has offices in Budapest and London.
Daniel Sagath
International Cooperation Manager at the Slovak Space Office | SSO
Daniel Sagath is currently working as the International Cooperation Manager at the Slovak Space Office – Industry Branch (SARIO) and is a member of the national delegation to the European Space Agency (ESA) (industrial policy and technology harmonization).
He holds a Ph.D. in strategy and organization and has more than a decade of experience in the space sector worldwide. He is an expert on space policy and business development, innovation, and science commercialization.
Previously he worked for organizations such as the ESA, or the Netherlands Space Office (NSO).
The Industrial Branch of the Slovak Space Office is an official national contact point for international cooperation for the space agencies, offices, associations, businesses, and research entities.
It aims to support Slovak entrepreneurs and researchers in integrating into European industrial structures and participating in international projects.
Leszek Orzechowski
Space Architect, Analog Mission Simulations Researcher, Science Communicator | SIM
Leszek Orzechowski is an award-winning space architect and a recipient of numerous international awards for his design team, Space is More, and their concepts on lunar and Martian architecture.
As a scientist, he is the founder and director of the LunAres Research Station, one of the leading private facilities for analog mission simulations. The facility hosts medical, psychological, and procedural studies that contribute to broadening our understanding of various aspects of future human space exploration.
Leszek is part of the European Space Agency's Topical Team for Analog Research. His laboratory is currently preparing several experiments for the Axiom 4 mission on the ISS, alongside a parallel analog mission simulation in LunAres Research Station.
Space is More is a pioneering company at the intersection of space architecture, design, and science, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of human habitation beyond Earth.
The company was a finalist in the NASA 3D-Printed Habitat Stage 1 competition (2015), laureates of the ESA Moon Challenge (2015), the Mars Colony Design Contest (2019), and the Moon Station competition (2023).
Founded by a team of visionary architects, engineers, and space enthusiasts, the company specializes in developing innovative solutions for living and working in space, based on Earth-based analog simulations at LunAres Research Station.
With a focus on sustainability, efficiency, and the well-being of astronauts, Space is More's concepts for habitats and infrastructure are deeply rooted in years of experience in running isolation studies with space mission scenarios involving human participants.
The simulation environment offered by Space is More, utilized by space agencies and research institutions, is highly regarded by partners and customers as a data-rich and cost-effective field-test stage for Technology Readiness Level (TRL) development.
Dinka Dinkova
Deputy Head of Unit for DG DEFIS | DG DEFIS
Ms Dinka Dinkova is Deputy Head of Unit at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS).
During her career at the Commission, she has worked in different functions covering aspects of EU space policy and EU space programme, including promoting space research, innovation and New Space; space-defence synergies; uptake of space data for societal challenges and growth; international relations and outreach.
Before joining the Commission in 2010 she worked with various international organisations in Southeastern Europe to promote a knowledge economy and innovation policies, regional development and multilateral donor assistance coordination. Ms Dinkova holds a Master’s degree in business administration.
DG DEFIS leads the European Commission's activities in the Defence Industry and Space sector.
In the area of Defence Industry, DEFIS is in charge of promoting the competitiveness and innovation of the European defence industry by ensuring the evolution of a capable European defence technological and industrial base.
In the area of Space, DG DEFIS is in charge of shaping EU space policies and legislation, and implementing the EU Space programme.
Erika Hlavatá
Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information | CTVI SR
Erika Hlavatá is currently working as a Slovak National Contact Point for Horizon Europe Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry and Space at CVTI SR.
She also actively participates on COSMOS4HE, a networking project for Cluster 4 Space NCPs, which aims to increase the quality and support harmonisation of the services provided by NCPs in this area, as well as lower the entry barriers for newcomer applicants and increase the visibility of the thematic area of Space to new types of players.
Previously she worked as project manager for organizations such as Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU) and Biomedical Centre of Slovak Academy of Sciences (BMC SAV). She has experience with wide range of european, international and national funding schemes.
Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (CVTI SR) is a national information centre and specialised scientific library of the Slovak Republic focused on natural, technical, economic and social sciences.
It is a subsidiary organization (public body) of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic.
Within CVTI SR, the National Horizon Office acts as the main support structure in Slovakia to stakeholders interested into the Horizon Europe programme.
Stefan Schneider
Space Downstream Entrepreneurship Officer | EUSPA
Stefan Schneider serves as the Space Downstream Entrepreneurship Officer at EUSPA, the European Union Agency for the Space Programme, where he oversees the Cassini initiative.
Cassini, an undertaking by the European Commission, aims to bolster entrepreneurs, start-ups, and SMEs within the space industry, particularly in New Space endeavours.
Central to Cassini's objectives is its matchmaking component, facilitating networking opportunities through a series of events tailored for start-ups and SMEs.
Participation in these events enables start-ups to broaden their professional connections and discover potential partners for product development, as well as opportunities for securing customers and investors.
EUSPA is the operational European Union Agency for the Space Programme, whose unique mission is to serve as the essential link between space technology and user needs, translating the European Union’s investment in space into valuable, reliable services for European citizens.
At the heart of its work are the efforts to support an innovative and competitive EU space sector, to ensure that space continues to drive innovation-based growth in Europe, deliver services and applications that meet the challenges that we face and support the implementation of priority EU policies.
It leads the implementation of the EU Space Programme, provides safe and secure European satellite navigation services, advances the commercialization of Galileo, EGNOS, and Copernicus data and services, engages in secure satellite communications (GOVSATCOM & IRIS2), and operates the EUSST Front Desk.
Space industry conference 2022
Past event
Intro by VytahConf Team and Slovak Space Office representative
Intro by Dutch Ambassador to Slovakia
Joe Cotti - Airbus
Earth Observation Basics: what you can do with satellite data
Alex Gunkel - Space4Good
Fighting climate change using satellite data
Carl Pucci - EO59
How small satellites data can move the earth
Hybrid Panel discussion / Q&A Session
Jose Mariano Lopez Urdiales - Zero2Infinity
Conquering the space
Sergey Gugkaev - ClearSpace
Cleaning up the space
Hybrid Panel discussion / Q&A Session
Raphael Roettgen - E2MC Ventures
Global space investing
Sebastian Misurak - Herius Capital
Investing in CEE space startups
Egbert v.d. Veen - OHB
Building a succesful space business from scratch
Hybrid Panel discussion / Q&A Session
Temidayo Oniosun - Space in Africa
How is Africa conquering the space business
Shimon Sarid - SpaceIL
How small nation can land on the moon
Hybrid Panel discussion / Q&A Session
Niamh Shaw - Dream Big
Space: a final frontier for everyone
Closing words and Afterparty
Meet the Speakers
No clue about space industry? Or already there and looking for a new connections?
Our speakers would cover various topics in the language understandable by everyone.
For more technical discussions you can poke them during the breat.
CEO | SpaceIL - private company reaching the Moon
In March 2020, Shimon joined Spaceil as the CEO, to lead the Beresheet2 lunar landing program.
Shimon (1953, Israel). graduated the Technion as an aeronautical engineer, and In 1994, he graduated the Master of Science in Management (MSM) program of Boston University and Beer-Sheba University.
In 1976 Shimon joined the Israel Air Force (IAF) as a young engineer in the area of design and development of manned and unmanned aircraft.
In 1998, the President of Israel decorated Shimon with the Israel Defense Award, for his special contribution to the defense of the state of Israel.
In 2000, Shimon was promoted to Brig. General as the Head of the IAF Material Command, and assumed the responsibility of the entire technical organization of the IAF, under the Commander of the Air Force.
In 2004, Shimon retired from service and joined Elbit Systems, as CEO of Silver-Arrow, a subsidiary of Elbit System for unmanned aircraft systems design, production, operation and support. Later on, Shimon served as VP of Operations and VP of advanced unmanned systems development at the unmanned division at Elbit Systems.
Founder and President | EO59
President and managing partner at EO59
My story has been like a painting of adventures, growing up in several American states with a solid hometown in Rochester, New York. The first thing I remember ever buying in my life was a Nikon camera, starting my life long adventure in Earth Observation the reel way! Much of my family working with Kodak, and a grandfather working with NASA I grew up hearing stories of spacecraft and even photo film dropped from satellites and flown to Rochester!
I headed to Estonia shortly after my education in political science where I joined the first IT company in the country to launch their American operations and I've since gone on to found my own EO company, and here you are with it, EO59.
Along the way I’ve been fortunate to be a subject matter expert with the Bertelsmann Foundation North America. I’ve also been an avid part of the now regularly occurring U.S. Opportunity Project. I’ve had a blast being elected as a Managing Board Member of the American Chamber of Commerce for several terms. One of the most fun engagements has been participating as a Key Note speaker with the EU Copernicus program and the EU SME Summit with ESA.
I'm passionate about all things space, space food, spaceships, and particularly 1960s space clothing styles. As a crazy dad I've been impact driven to make sure little ones everywhere see space as something achievable. Something that changes the world in every day moments; both Europe, and America, are the places that began.
I'm a passionate photographer, a youth mentor, and avid economic development policy nerd. Most of all, I love to collaborate with a team of equally passionate people and am thrilled to engage with anyone on their own journey!
Please feel free to connect with me and my team on LinkedIn.
Business Development Manager | Airbus
Born in the province of Bologna, Italy Joe has always shown interest in Space, nature and scuba diving. The first became his chosen career while the others are hobbies.
Completed his BA and MA studies in 2 different countries, worked on 2 different continents and speaking fluently 3 languages are valuable skills and background in his current role as Sales and Business Development Manager for the Airbus Intelligence Business Line in which he’s responsible for the Southern and Eastern Europe.
Based in the Konstanz Lake region on the border between Germany and Switzerland but always ready to hop on a train/plane to engage with partners everywhere needed.
Investment Manager | Herius Capital
Sebastian is an investment manager at Herius Capital, a space and innovation enthusiast financial expert with more than 4 years of experience in the venture capital industry. Sebastian earned his MSc degree in Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship from the University of Gothenburg, wrote his MSc thesis on Silicon Valley’s VC landscape and worked as a business developer in the energy industry before getting into venture capital where he has gained wide-ranging working experience along the investment value chain.
Managing Partner | E2MC Ventures
Raphael Roettgen is the managing partner of E2MC Ventures, a space-focused early-stage venture capital firm.
He lectures on space entrepreneurship and finance at several universities including the International Space University (ISU) and the Swiss Institute of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL), hosts the popular Space Business Podcast, and is the author of an introductory book on the space economy, currently available in German (“Hoch Hinaus”) and Portuguese (“Para Cima”), and forthcoming in English. He is a frequent speaker at conferences, such as e.g. so far in 2022, Spacecom, SmallSat Symposium and Paris Space Week.
Previously, Mr Roettgen held senior roles at global investment banks and hedge funds and was also a fintech entrepreneur in Brazil.
He holds degrees in finance from Wharton, machine learning from PUC-Rio and space studies from the International Space University, where he also serves as a governing member. He is conducting doctoral research on financing options for space activities at the University of Luxembourg.
Space industry executive leader and CCO at ClearSpace
Sergey is a space industry executive leader and currently Chief Commercial Officer at ClearSpace. ClearSpace is a Swiss newspace company addressing practical solutions of space debris problems and in-orbit servicing. Sergey is responsible for ClearSpace`s commercial strategy, sales, business development, launchers and partnerships to promote sustainable space economy, responsible space operations and in-orbit servicing of the future.
Prior to ClearSpace, Sergey was Chief Executive Officer at Sea Launch, multinational satellites launch company founded in 1995 using a former mobile/floating oil drilling rig for equatorial launches to geostationary orbit. Sergey drove the company in a post-restructuring period with 5 successful launches performed under his leadership.
Sergey holds a law degree as well as an MBA in Management of Technology from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL).
Head of Strategy - Venture Capital | OHB
Head of Strategy for the OHB Group and Managing director for OHB Venture Capital GmbH
Egbert is space enthusiast and focuses on the technology, innovation and business aspects of the space sector. He is working for OHB, which is one of the largest independent space industrial groups in Europe.
Within OHB is responsible for strategy & corporate development and is creating the new Business unit of OHB called OHB DIGITAL which focused on downstream applications based on satellite data.
He is also Managing director for OHB Venture Capital GmbH, which aims to invests in start-ups that drive Digitalisation and Space technologies forward.
Founder & Managing Director | Space4Good
Alexander Gunkel is a serial entrepreneur using space technology for social and environmental good. Since 2013 he co-founded 3 impact ventures: "Skytree" which invented a CO2 recycling process to reduce global CO2 emissions, "RoadEO" which is developing a global road quality monitoring and prediction platform to improve road safety and comfort as well as "Space4Good" using satellite earth observation to monitor social and environmental impact initiatives around the globe.
Before starting his entrepreneurial career Alexander studied mechanical engineering and business administration and worked as a project manager at the European Space Agency. He is a Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative Fellow of the German Marshall Fund and believes in the power of social entrepreneurship to drive positive societal and economic change.
Managing Director | Space in Africa
Temidayo is the Managing Director of Space in Africa, the leading analytics and consulting company focusing on the African space and satellite industry. Temidayo has led several industry-defining analyses and reports and advises Governments and Commercial space players in the African Space Industry value chain. He led the baseline study for the implementation and operationalization of the African Space Agency on behalf of the African Union and he was the African Regional Coordinator for Space Generation Advisory Council between 2017 and 2019.
Temidayo is a 2020 Karman fellow and a 2021 Forbes Africa 30 under 30 award recipient. He has a master’s degree in Satellite Applications from the University of Strathclyde Glasgow and is currently a PhD student at the University of Delaware. He is a TEDx speaker and regularly appears on various leading global media commenting on the African Space and Satellite Program.
Academic Space Communicator
Dr. Niamh Shaw is an academic space communicator on a mission to see the Earth from space to share a new perspective of our planet and ourselves. Through her work with STEM, STEAM and mainstream audiences, Niamh has witnessed how understanding space better can awaken us to our interconnectedness and the shared human endeavour at the heart of science: making life on this planet better. Since consolidated by a qualification in Practical Science Communicating from Cambridge University, as a speaker, she shares innovative approaches to problem-solving, collaboration and the personal steps she has learned that allowed her to dream big, develop a bigger social responsibility and fulfil her life's ambitions.
Founder and CEO, Zero 2 Infinity SL
Sparked by a lifetime exposure to rockets, balloons, and Space Exploration projects in which his father was involved, Jose Mariano became an entrepreneur in 2009 when he founded Zero 2 Infinity to change the way we access Space. He's convinced that frequent and low-cost access to Space can be achieved without relying on new technologies by leveraging what already exists in a different way. Prior to building Zero 2 Infinity he graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and gained experience at Boeing Phantom Works, the Boston Consulting Group, and the European Space Agency.